Discover a world of outdoor education and Forest School Activities designed to ignite imaginations, foster innovative thinking, and cultivate a love for the great outdoors. Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery, where children thrive in mind, body, and spirit amidst the beauty of our woodland sanctuary. Contact us now at 077 6486 9374 or o[email protected], and let nature be the catalyst for your child's boundless creativity and growth. let's embrace outdoor learning and shape a brighter future for the next generation.
Oak Forest School is a sector leader in outdoor and forest school. We cater for schools, parents, and carers of children of all ages, from the foundation stage to 16 and above. We provide excellent services, such as forest school activities, CPD training, accredited bushcraft courses, and big campouts, so young ...
As the principles of forest schools have spread, so have the ideas and activities that teachers, children, and parents can experience. The benefits of nature and outdoor education have reached the point that many schools and nurseries across the United Kingdom now consider it a staple part of their curriculum, ...
Reach out to Oak Forest School through our simple and secure form. Discover the wonders of outdoor education and unlock the potential for your child's growth and creativity.
Ā Let's embark on a journey of outdoor learning together!